Wednesday, February 5, 2014

You Must Be Driven

People who write are driven.  Otherwise nobody would do it.  I mean, I was warned when I began writing that it was very, very hard.  I thought it was easy.  I thought, well, you don't have to show up anywhere and go to work, and you can make up stories, and so forth.  But I was warned, rightly, that it was very, very hard work.  All writers who regularly write, I think are driven.

                                                                             -Robert Stone 

1 comment:

  1. So True. If I don't get some of the writing tasks done from my overly ambitious daily list, I don't sleep well. Writing is hard work. Revision is a constant. Rejections are abundant. I wonder why I do it. Then I get up the next day with renewed enthusiasm and a bit of hope and try again.


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