Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Writing Has Bad Days -- Never Give Up!

I'm sharing a bad day.  I've cleared the time to write, am sitting down at the computer but nothing seems to come of it.  My keyboard types the wrong letters, my dog barks at illusions, I'm hungry after just eating and I think I need to go someplace but where?  My writing space is disorganized, the dog is maddening, I can't concentrate, I'm bored by my characters, I can't figure out what comes next, I'm losing confidence in my work, I must check email.  And now I've left the caps lock on and everything I entered so far is in caps.

STOP WITH THIS NONSENSE!  (all caps intentional)  I know my enjoyment comes after I write, not during.  Sometimes the process is agony.  I write a scene and hate it.  Can't think of a good name for a character, and after some research, come up dry.  I should be more organized.  I should come up with new ideas.  I am in a rut.  I am stumped.  Writing gives me a headache.  I'm tired.

But I won't give in.  Writing is me and I am the writer.  So I'm going back to it.  One scene is what I'm after.  One scene or bust.

I'll keep you posted on my progress.


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