Sunday, September 1, 2013

Will I Ever Be a Published Writer?

Will I ever be a published writer?

"You will be published if you possess three qualities--talent, passion and discipline.

You will probably be published if you possess two of the three qualities in either combination--either talent and discipline, or passion and discipline.

You will likely be published if you possess neither talent nor passion but still have discipline.

But if all you possess is talent or passions, if all you possess is talent and passion, you will not be published.  The likelihood is you will never be published.  And if by some miracle you are published, it will probably never happen again. . . ."

"A lot of writing is simply showing up.  A lot of writing is being willing to show up day after day, same time, same place.  A lot of writing is being able to put the work first simply because it is the work.  A lot of writing is being able to delay gratification."

                                                                  --Elizabeth George, Write Away

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